Anewgo Agents

Anewgo Agents are local new construction experts that new construction homebuyers turn to for help

Get Better Leads

Most buyers have spent hours researching and designing homes before they contact an Anewgo agent

Add More Value

Through Anewgo’s collaboration tools you can find, design, modify, and message about plans – this allows you to be the subject matter expert

Leverage More Tech

Anewgo’s listing are updated directly by the builder so they are always up-to-date, while our data analytics make it easier than ever to understand your buyers

Save More Time

Anewgo Agents and their clients do more online and move down and leverage tools like match-and-notify to find the right home in less time

Premier Agents

Premier Agents

Anticipate buyer needs and add value through collaboration

Premier agents are an exclusive group of agents that get to leverage all of Anewgo’s Agent tools within their local market

  • Limited group per market
  • Listed before all other agents
  • Collaborative online design tools
  • View Buyer activity and insights
  • Most leads
  • Highest conversion rate
  • Direct Messaging
  • Match-and-Notify
Listed Agents

Listed Agents

The new source for leads

Listed agents appear when Anewgo Marketplace shoppers want to find a local agent. Anewgo Marketplace shoppers are serious about new construction homes and have often spent hours designing homes before they even look for an agent.

  • Affordable Listing
  • New Leads
  • Higher Quality Leads
  • Collaborative Online Design Tools
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